Page Title
Writing related and effective page title
Meta Description
Effective use of desired keyword
Heading structure with appropriate keyword selection
Creating and submitting HTML sitemap

Keyword Research
Determining the quality of a website or blog on search engines
Keyword Difficulty Check
Having relevant anchor text will make the domain authority higher than your competitor
Competitor Keyword Analysis
We will create valuable backlinks that will not be deleted
Choose Optimizable Keywords
A link that tells search engines crawler to follow the intended page

Content Optimization
Search engines detect your content as quality content that helps your web ranking
Heading Tag/Structure
Heading elements are used to determine important elements of a website
Inbound & Outbound Linking
Inbound & Outbound linking is an effective method to increase SEO performance
Keyword In Tittle
We use main keywords in title so that search engines crawlers can find them easily

Code Optimization
For optimal performance we will suggest minifying the codes
Keyword Optimization
Optimize keyword for different search engine
Content Optimization
Use keyword on content that search engine can crawl them easily
Image Optimization
Reduce size of the images that will allow the website to load faster

Domain Authority
Determining the quality of a website or blog on search engines
Anchor Text
Having relevant anchor text will make the domain authority higher
Effective Backlinks
We will create valuable backlinks that will not be deleted
Do Follow Status
A link that tells search engines to follow the intended page

Global Ranking
Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites in the world
National Ranking
Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites in the national area
Local Ranking
Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites in the local area
Category Ranking
Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites in the ecommerce product category

Total Visit
Total number of organic traffic will increase
Visit Duration
Total amount of time spent in a web page will increase
Bounce Rate
Bounce rate will decrease i.e. visitor will start taking action in the website
Conversion Rate
Conversion rate will increase. i.e. people will start taking action in the website